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Massive Hair Loss: a Heritage or a bad Hair Routine

Photo du rédacteur: Carine Netcha TokamCarine Netcha Tokam

Dernière mise à jour : 1 juin 2020

Hello friends;

I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Today, I would like us to address the subject of hair loss and baldness (also called androgenetic alopecia). It is a scourge that affects both men and women. In this mini-article we will discuss the subject of the hair cycle, the causes of hair loss, and the recommended treatments.

Hair cycle:

The hair growth cycle takes place in several phases:

The anagen phase: this is the hair growth phase. An unknown signal activates follicular stem cells which initiate the start of hair growth.

The anagen phase finished: the new hair exceeds the surface of the skin and continues its growth and maturation

The exogenous phase: the new capillary rod pushes the old one, thus causing its loss

The catagen phase: two thirds of the follicle shrivels and dies.

The telogen phase: the remaining third of the follicle rests while waiting for a new signal allowing it to revive hair growth.

Hair loss in women

A Harvard University study states "about one-third of women will experience hair loss at some point in their lives. Most menopausal women will experience thinning hair” (hair which becomes fine at the parting line, and which ends up causing hair loss at the precise location) (Image below)

Although the hair has disappeared in those areas, the root is still there, which is why women rarely go bald. This hair loss generally creates a loss of self-esteem in women, and they often use wigs to hide the affected area.

Hair Loss in Men

According to the US National Library of Medicine, to some extent, more than 50% of all men aged 50 and over will be affected by baldness at some point in their lives. As the image shows below, hair loss often begins at the temples and progresses slowly until the formation of the "M" shape. The hair above the head also begins to thin out and evolve to the formation of baldness. Most men with baldness do not often have the problem of self-esteem because "society is more receptive to male pattern baldness than that of women" (Harvard study)

Why is hair loss mostly frontal and in the middle of the head?

It happens in those areas because it is where the hormone sensitive follicles live. The follicles on the sides and back of the head are generally not affected by DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)

What are the causes of hair loss?

There are multiple causes:

Genetics: This is due to the shortening of the anagen phase. The hair takes longer to grow after the previous hair has completed its life cycle. There is also a narrowing of the size of the follicle which leads to the production of a shorter capillary rod called vellus.

Hair loss can just be a parental inheritance especially on the maternal side (Healthline, baldness)

Medical conditions and taking certain drugs (hypertension, etc.)

Cancer treatment: the matrix of hair cells is damaged by the treatment.

Alopecia areata: the cells of the immune system attack the cells of the growing hair bulb

Physical and emotional stress: any source of stress.

Lack of vitamins and mineral salts like: selenium, magnesium etc ...

Hormonal: there is an overproduction of DHT (dihydrotestosterone, a byproduct of testosterone) . This hormone plays a role both on sexuality and on hair growth. (Observe the image below and visualize how DHT acts on the follicle by reducing its size and thickness leading to total hair loss).

This overproduction of DHT can also be caused by a tumor which acts on several glands such as the ovaries, adrenals glands, pituitary, testes. If anyone has any doubts about his hair loss, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.The loss might be due to a serious illness

Can we prevent hair loss?

  • If it's just a lack of vitamin or a problem with your hair routine, just take your vitamins and choose wisely the products adapted to your hair type..

  • If your hair loss is due to stress which favors an overproduction of DHT, reduce your stress by participating in recreational activities such as sport, walking, listening to music, etc

  • On the other hand, if the problem is genetic, or due to a condition that will make you take medications for life, or it is linked to cancer, you could probably slow down the evolution. ( Consult with your doctor before starting any products which could interact with the drugs treating your current condition).

Are there ways which promote the growth of hair?

There are treatments available against hair loss

Minoxidil: it treats alopecia both in men and women. It would slow down hair loss processes and promote the growth of new hair. The medication is not for those already bald said Dr Costarelis

Some men have seen results when using this product

Propecia (Finasteride). Only for men. It prevents the formation of the DHT byproduct by testosterone. Side effect: lowering of the libido, but it will go away over time. (Dr Costarelis)


Minoxidil is to be taken twice a day and Propécia once a day and this every day. combination of the two drugs is possible. However, stopping will lead to "sudden hair loss of the newly grown hair".(Costarelis)

Transplantation of hair follicule is another technique to fight against hair loss. New techniques such as "Sonic HedgeHog, Hair cloning" are being developed to fight against alopecia.

For those who do not want to take medications or spend a fortune on a follicular transplant, can wear wigs, or simply adopt a new look. The most important thing is to feel good about yourself.

If you like this mini-article, don't forget to "like" or if you have comments, questions, we can discuss it on my Facebook page, or you can just send me an email: Don't forget to share the page with your friends.

Peace and Love,




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